Welcome to Davenport Family Research

If you are interested in discovering your family history we can do the work for you. We can trace all your ancestors back over 200 years, and earlier if you want. We trace not just one line but all your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and so on.

We find where they came from, their occupations and whether they had servants living in, or lodgers, or other family members living with them.

Previous clients have discovered illegal marriages, hitherto unknown Spanish ancestry and a family who changed their name.

Our wealth of experience means we can often find records that the less experienced are unable to find. If you have tried to trace your ancestors but got stuck we can help get you back on the right track.

Our usual service is a fixed price so that you know exactly what the cost will be, this is regardless of the time it takes.

We can supply a display folder containing a brief history for each branch of the family going back to about 1800, often earlier, depending on the available records. You will learn where they lived, what they did for a living and the children they had. We also include copies of the documents we have used in the course of our research. These include excerpts from census records, and marriage and birth certificates where they have been obtained.

You will see how one generation leads to another so you can be sure that all the details of your family history are correct - not just people with the same name.

If you would like your family traced back more than 200 years then this can be done but please be aware that there would not be the detail that more recent years produce. A quotation is available on request.

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